Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh man....

Sooo.... my laptop presented my with a gift last night (again), the Black Screen of Death, and I am unsure if it will ever come back to life. I will have limited internet access this weekend as I am staying here in Pullman for the weekend and the library is full of "mid-termers" but I will try my hardest to upload what I had to post for Wednesday sometime this weekend. Hopefully I can get my computer running again soon, until then please wait patiently for new posts and pics from my INCREDIBLE ride from last Saturday! I'll give you a hint about what we encountered, I'll explain later:Hope you all have a great weekend! Looks like it's going to be a nice one here in the PNW! ;)


LatigoLiz said...

OK, cougar, bear, elk or deer????

Cowgirl Sprat said...

Nope! I'll give you another hint: it was something NO horse could ever be prepared enough to encounter...ever! Although I was quite proud of Mercy's response. It could have been bad! I should have my computer back by Friday at the latest, until then I can only check email and dink around for short periods at a time on the school computers. I will have a great post this weekend explaining what was hidden in that lovely Salal! :)