Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Darlings

This evening we had a surprise guest stop by...

...and help eat our herb garden...

...and whatever else she could before we shooed her away.

*Sigh* Oh well. Probably needed a pruning anyway.

On our last trail ride, TrailRidinRN and I came across a nest of Golden Eagle chicks! One of the parents was feeding them, so they were really noisy and animated in the nest. I tried to get a good pic of them, but by the time Mercy would stand still they were quiet again. The nest is in the top left corner:
Zoomed in:


Paint Girl said...

The deer are everywhere! I just love seeing them.
Cool nest, I love being out on the trails and coming across wildlife or nests like that. As long as it isn't a bear, or cougar!

Jessica said...

My husband was home during the day yesterday and saw a little spike playing with Caspian on the other side of the fence. Why couldn't I have been home to see that? ;) P.S. I have somethin' for you on my blog!

Cowgirl Sprat said...

Paint Girl~ I have been out on trails and come across a bear or two! Luckily they are so afraid of you that all I have ever seen is their rear ends!

jrosey~ That was always one of the most frustrating things about being at school. I always seemed to miss the weird happenings on our place!